Rants & Raves

Some Say Fire

“I love the book! The Great God Jenerator Bird is brilliant!  Greg’s bad guys are really bad, and the good guys are very real.  I like Susan and Jake and feel that I know them well—although I’m also sure they have secrets about themselves that they haven’t yet revealed.  Greg sets his scenes meticulously throughout the West, so the reader can follow his road map and be right inside the real-life settings of the characters’ adventures.  Since both Jake and Susan have children, I appreciate how Greg carefully tells us where the children are and how they are being cared for while their parents are out investigating criminals.  Sometimes the reader catches on before the protagonists do, and ultimately I’m left with a big grin on my face.” – Louise Haberfeld,
long-time environmentalist and concerned citizen


Travels with Max

In Search of Steinback’s America fifty years later

“Through his contemporary snapshot of America 50 years later, author Greg Zeigler has renewed public interest in ‘Travels with Charley’. Zeigler’s stories of his own ‘Travels With Max’ captivate readers, as well as live audiences. He had our Steinbeck Festival audience inspired to take their own journeys across America.” – Colleen Bailey, Director, The National Steinbeck Center




The Straw That Broke

“In ‘The Straw That Broke’ Greg Zeigler has written both a wonderful novel of sharp characters and a great story. He has also predicted our future.

We can live without oil, but we can’t live without water, and Greg Zeigler has written a novel of intrigue and seduction showing just how that will play out in the near future. ‘The Straw That Broke’ is a story to be savored.” – Tim Sandlin, author of ‘Skipped Parts’, ‘Lydia’, Crybaby Ranch”, Fairy Tale Blues’

“Just finished your book and you nailed it! I’m so glad for you that you stuck with it and made it so readable. I know how long a process it was, yet you persevered and it paid off. – Clint Grosse, Director, Access Tours, www.accesstours.org

Mark Huffman reviews ‘The Straw That Broke’ in the Jackson Hole News & Guide, Feb 19, 2014,
linking to the story

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the characters and the setting. Jackson Hole, WY where the story begins, and the desert Southwest where the story ends, are described so well. The story pulled me in and pulled me along as only the best stories do! -Can’t wait for the next one!”- Jane Lavino, National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson Hole, WY

Marisa Schweber-Koren interviews Greg Zeigler on Jackspon Hole’s community radio KHOL. The interview will air on Sunday March 2nd at noon and then will be posted to the Teton County Library website at tclib.org/radio. Feel free to share the episode with your friends!
